Sunday, February 12, 2012

Transformation Matrix

I used the side panel from my car model to initiate these transformation. I experimented with a few approaches before deciding that the bend deformation tool was the most interesting because of its simplicity.
For the top row of transformations I duplicated the original object and then applied the bend with an increasing amount of curvature. The values ranged from 0-4 and then from -1 to -5. The change from 4 to -1 is apparent in the matrix.
Feeling the that transformations were not as interesting is the could be, I duplicate the objects in the first row and re-applied a bend to each. The bend was first rotated 90 degrees on one axis and then a curvature of 1 was applied to each. The process was repeated for a similar sequence of values. There is a stark difference in the rate of transformation between the changes in the first row objects and the rest of the rows.
In the first row the original form of the objects is still fairly apparent. Compounding the transformations, though, quickly develops a wide range of forms. Again, the only tool used was the bend tool.


  1. I would increase the scale of the renderings so that the transformations can be clearly visible, as it's difficult to comprehend the sequential manipulation of the primary object.

  2. Agreed. Does the image represent a single set of 80 transformations or is the right half a rotated view of the left?
